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Song of Miriam


for SSA Chorus and Piano
Text by Rabbi Ruth Sohn
Elaine Hagenberg Music - EH1001
Inspired by the empowering poem by Rabbi Ruth Sohn, this piece describes the journey of a young woman who finds bravery amid uncertainty and fear. Middle Eastern harmonies paint an expansive desert landscape, while the voices search for faith and risk taking the first step, ultimately conquering fear to find the "song in my heart." Soaring melodies and choral rhythms that create a delicious tension against the piano accompaniment make this a wonderful choice for mature treble choirs.
00:00 / 04:33
the Inspiration
I stand at the sea and turn
to face the desert stretching
endless and still.
My eyes are dazzled
The sky brilliant blue
Sunburnt sands unyielding white.
My hands turn to dove wings.
My arms reach for the sky
and I want to sing
the song rising inside me.
My mouth open
I stop.
Where are the words?
Where the melody?
In a moment of panic
My eyes go blind.
Can I take a step
Without knowing a Destination?
Will I falter
Will I fall
Will the ground sink away
from under me?
The song still unformed—
How can I sing?
To take the first step—
To sing a new song—
Is to close one’s eyes
and dive into unknown waters,
For a moment knowing nothing
risking all—
But then to discover
The waters are friendly
The ground is firm.
And the song—
the song rises again.
Out of my mouth
come words lifting the wind.
And I hear for the first time
the song that has been in my heart
silent unknown
even to me.
- Rabbi Ruth Sohn
Composer Notes

“My arms reach for the sky...
I want to sing...”
- Rabbi Ruth Sohn
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