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for satb chorus

Sara Teasdale's poem is the inspiration for this dramatic concert work which relies heavily on the tumultuous piano and cello accompaniment to convey the deep feeling of the text. The opening section is dark and stormy, but the sun comes out in the final section with serene moments of mostly unaccompanied choral harmonies. "For with my singing I can make a refuge for my spirit's sake, a house of shining words, to be my fragile immortality."
00:00 / 06:20
the Inspiration
From my spirit's gray defeat,
From my pulse's flagging beat,
From my hopes that turned to sand
Sifting through my close-clenched hand,
From my own fault's slavery,
If I can sing, I still am free.
For with my singing I can make
A refuge for my spirit's sake,
A house of shining words, to be
My fragile immortality.
- Sara Teasdale
Composer Notes
For me, singing has often been an expression of joy, but also a comfort during times of uncertainty or fear. In Refuge, the piano frantically races out of control, while the cello becomes the voice of heartache and despair. As the poetry unfolds, the choir sings of crushed dreams, confusion, and a yearning for help. But through song, we can turn our eyes from the surrounding darkness and lift our voices to offer comfort, beauty, and hope.

“If I can sing, I still am free... for with my singing I can make a refuge.”
- Sara Teasdale
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