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from illuminare

for SATB Chorus, Piano, and Percussion
optional Chamber Orchestra or String Orchestra accompaniments
Text by Aurelius Prudentius Clemens
Elaine Hagenberg Music - EH1013
Nox, the third movement from Illuminare, offers your singers a thrilling and satisfying vocal experience from start to finish. Sensing an ominous shadow on the horizon, the choir sings the traditional Kyrie text. Then, a percussive B-minor blast of fury disrupts the world as the text turns to “Nox et tenebrae” (night and darkness). Accented rhythms and mixed meter further create chaos, confusion, and despair. With its dynamic range and rhythmic intensity, Nox is a great contrast piece for concerts or festivals. Scored for piano and percussion or chamber orchestra accompaniments.
00:00 / 03:28
the Inspiration
Kyrie eleison.
Christe eleison.
Nox et tenebrae et nubila,
confusa mundi et turbida
Caligo terrae scinditur
percussa solis spiculo
Lord have mercy.
Christ have mercy.
Night and darkness and fog,
confused world and turmoil
dark gloom tears the earth beats and
stabs the sun
- Prudentius Clemens
Composer Notes
"Night” can be interpreted in many ways and represents the pain and confusion that disrupts our lives. It could be a natural disaster, the loss of a loved one, or a crushed dream. We all face “nox” at different times and in different forms, and when we feel powerless, it helps to have words and music to express our grief.
Then, just as “Nox” gives way to a prayer for light, our grief and
disappointments can give way to hope, and we can unite our
voices to uplift and encourage one another.

“Night and darkness and fog,
confused world and turmoil
dark gloom tears the earth...”
- Aurelius Prudentius Clemens
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