
Illuminare is Elaine’s first extended work, consisting of five movements for SATB chorus and chamber orchestra. Using lesser-known sacred Latin, Greek, and English texts, the piece takes us through a season of beauty and goodness that has been disrupted by darkness and confusion. But as Light gradually returns, hope is restored, illuminating our future and guiding us in peace.
Duration: 24 minutes

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Behind the music
Discover more about Elaine's first extended work, the timeless texts, and the inspiration behind the piece. We invite you to download the program notes or complimentary rehearsal discussion guides.
“Illuminate those in darkness...
and direct our footpath in the way of peace.”
- Canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1:68-79)
Splendor paternae gloriae,
de luce lucem proferens,
lux lucis et fons luminis,
diem dies illuminans.
Splendor of God's glory,
brings forth light from light,
light of light, light's living spring,
Day, all days illuminates.
- Saint Ambrose (340-397)

Caritas abundat in omnia,
de imis excellentissima
super sidera,
atque amantissima in omnia,
Quia summo regi
osculum pacis dedit.
Love abounds in all,
from the depths most excellent
to beyond the stars,
and loving toward all,
she has given the highest king
the kiss of peace.
- Hildegard von Bingen (1098-1179)
Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison.
Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy.
- traditional Greek
Nox et tenebrae et nubila,
confusa mundi et turbida
Caligo terrae scinditur
percussa solis spiculo
Night and darkness and fog,
confused world and turmoil
dark gloom tears the earth
beats and stabs the sun
- Aurelius Prudentius Clemens (348-413)

Munera pacis
Ecce jam noctis tenuatur umbra,
Lux et auroae rutilans coruscat:
Supplices rerum Dominum canora
Voce precemur:
Ut reos culpae miseratus, omnem
Pellat angorem, tribuat salutem,
Donet et nobis bona sempiternae
Munera pacis.
Behold, already night and shadows taper off
Light and dawn sparkle and quiver
We humbly beg the Lord through song
Our voices pray:
Though we are guilty, view us with compassion Banish anguish, bestow health
Grant us everlasting goodness
Give us peace.
- Pope Gregory (540-604)
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
- John 14:27
Illuminare his
Illuminare his qui in tenebris
et in umbra mortis sedent:
ad dirigendos pedes nostros in viam pacis.
Illuminate those in darkness
and in the shadow of death are seated
direct our footpath in the way of peace.
- Canticle of Zechariah (Luke 1:68 -79)

2025 Performances
January 12: Capital Singers of Trenton conducted by Vinroy D. Brown, Jr., Trenton, NJ
☀️ January 22-25: The Bandung Choral Symposium Choir conducted by Dr. Gene Peterson, Bandung, Indonesia
February 18: Gilbert High School conducted by Tanner Stutzman, Gilbert, IA
February 21: Bryan College conducted by Annette Watt, Dayton, TN
February 23: Combined Choirs of Christ United Methodist Church and Westminster Presbyterian Church conducted by Amberly Johnston and Laura Alexander, Greensboro, NC
February 23: Kirkland Choral Society conducted by Daniel Mahraun, Kenmore, WA
☀️ March 1: Dunfermline Choral Union conducted by Mandy Miller, Fife, Scotland
March 1 & 2: St. Norbert College conducted by Kent Paulsen, De Pere, WI
March 2: River City Chorale Ensemble Singers conducted by Andrew Haase, Mahtomedi, MN
March 4: Valley High School conducted by Haley Gibbons, West Des Moines, IA
March 6 & 7: Grand Rapids Symphony & Chorus conducted by Dr. Pearl Shangkuan, Grand Rapids, MI
March 8: Cleveland Orchestra and Chorus of Tennessee conducted by Sarah Pearson, Cleveland, TN
March 8: Polymnia Choral Society conducted by Murray Kidd, Melrose, MA
March 8 & 9: Southeast Iowa Symphony conducted by Bob McConnell, Burlington, Ottumwa, and Mt. Pleasant, IA
March 9: Susquehanna Symphony Orchestra guest conducted by Michael Semancik, Bel Air, MD
March 11: Fort Wayne Children’s Choir - Youth Chorale conducted by Tavis Schlicker, Fort Wayne, IN
March 11: Mentor High School Concert Mixed Choir conducted by Adam Landry, Mentor, OH
March 12: Chaparral High School conducted by Luke Tredinnick, Denver, CO
March 16: First Congregational Church conducted by Michele Hecht, Glen Ellyn, IL
March 22 & 23: Garleton Singers conducted by Stephen Doughty, Scotland
March 23: Connecticut Master Chorale & Orchestra conducted by Tina Johns Heidrich, Danbury, CT
☀️ March 29: Fairfax Choral Society Symphonic Chorus and Richmond Choral Society conducted by Patrick Vaughn, Washington, DC
March 30: Fairfax Choral Society Symphonic Chorus and Richmond Choral Society conducted by Patrick Vaughn, Richmond, VA
March 30: Music on the Hill Festival Chorus conducted by Ellen Dickinson, Wilton, CT
April 4 & 5: Southern Oregon University Concert Choir, Chamber Choir, and Rogue Valley Chorale conducted by Dr. Jerron Jorgensen, Phoenix, OR
April 5: Greeley Chorale conducted by Dr. Galen Darrough, Greeley, CO
April 5: Kankakee Valley Symphony Orchestra & Chorus conducted by Dr. Sean Paul Mills, Bourbonnais, IL
April 5: Pilgrim Festival Chorus conducted by William B. Richter, Scituate, MA
April 5: Walton Voices conducted by Jonathan Kilhams, Oatlands, UK
April 6: Carnegie Hall with MidAmerica Productions conducted by Andrew Bowers, New York, NY
April 6: Lake Houston Chamber Singers conducted by Joseph Weir, Humble, TX
April 12: Bradley University Singers, Bradley Community Chorale, Illinois Central Community College, and the Bradley Symphony Orchestra conducted by Dr. Cory Boulton, Peoria, IL
April 12: Cantica Sacra and Caritas Chamber Choir conducted by Claartje van Dokkum, Steenwijk, Netherlands
April 12: University Chorale of Boston College and members of the Boston College Symphony Orchestra conducted by Dr. Riikka Pietläinen Caffrey, Boston, MA
April 12 & 13: Unicorn Singers conducted by Kelley DePasqua, Hingham, MA
April 13: Appassionatta conducted by Karel Kok, Schagen, Netherlands
April 13: La Cañada Presbyterian Church conducted by Jack Lantz, La Cañada, CA
April 13: Plymouth Church Chancel Choir conducted by Christopher Goodson, Des Moines, IA
April 13: San Marino Community Church Choir conducted by Dr. Peter J. Green, San Marino, CA
April 13: Texas State Chorale & Purgatory Creek Chorale conducted by Dr. Craig Hella Johnson, San Marcos, TX
April 17: Appassionatta conducted by Karel Kok, Oudorp, Netherlands
April 18: The Kirk Choir of Pasadena Presbyterian Church and The Pasadena Singers conducted by Dr. Timothy Howard, Pasadena, CA
April 24: Houston High School Concert Choir and Collierville High School Chamber Choir conducted by Kinsey Healy, Germantown, TN
April 26: Milligan University Concert Choir conducted by Dr. Noah DeLong, Johnson City, TN
April 26: The Regina Philharmonic conducted by Evanne Wilhelm, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
April 27: Cantamus Women’s Choir and Concordia Male Chorus conducted by Dr. Jeffrey Blersch, Seward, NE
April 27: FUMC Frankfort Chancel Choir, Capital City Chorale, and Franklin County High School Choristers conducted by Dr. Beth Wilson, Frankfort, KY
☀️ April 27: Greenbrier Valley Chorale conducted by Barbara Wygal Lutz, Lewisburg, WV
April 27: Sandlapper Singers, Eastminster Presbyterian Church Chancel Choir, and She Sings Community Women’s Chorus, Columbia, SC
May 3: Brandywine Valley Chorus, Chester Valley Choral Society, and Unionville High School Chamber Choir conducted by Gary Garletts, Kennett Square, PA
May 3: Ensemble Vocal Massawippi conducted by Lise Gardner, North Hatley, Canada
May 4: Bytown Voices conducted by Joan Fearnley, Ottawa, Canada
May 4: Tennessee Tech and Mastersingers conducted by Dr. Craig Zamer, Cookeville, TN
May 4: Trinity United Methodist Church conducted by Taylor Gonzales, Denver, CO
May 4 & 8: Masterworks Singers conducted by Dr. Morris Stevens, Austin, TX
May 10: Assabet Valley Mastersingers conducted by Dr. Robert P. Eaton, Northborough, MA
May 16 & 17: Outer Cape Chorale conducted by Allison Beavan, Provincetown, MA
May 18: Elmhurst Choral Union conducted by Scott Uddenberg, Elmhurst, IL
May 18: Outer Cape Chorale conducted by Allison Beavan, Orleans, MA
May 24: Carnegie Hall with MidAmerican Productions conducted by Dr. Wendy Moy, New York, NY
May 24: Winthrop University Chorale at Carnegie Hall with MidAmerican Productions conducted by Dr. Jeremy Mims, New York, NY
May 29: Oxford Civic Chorus and Mississippi River Chorale, and members of CoroRio, CoroFuente, and CoroArroyo, Olive Branch, MS
May 31: Cornerstone Choir, Livingston County Women’s Choir, and Note by Note conducted by Sarah Hunt, Brighton, MI
June 2-9: Galway, Ireland Perform International conducted by Dr. Craig Zamer
June 7: Binghamton Downtown Singers conducted by Robert J. Manners, Binghamton, NY
June 8: Carnegie Hall with National Concerts conducted by Dr. Jeffrey Benson, New York, NY
June 22: Carnegie Hall with MidAmerica Productions conducted by Dr. Brian Dehn, New York, NY
June 28: Ensemble Leszczynski conducted by Geoffrey Vançon, Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy, France
June 29: Ensemble Leszczynski conducted by Geoffrey Vançon, Saint-Nicolas-de-Port, France
June 29: Carnegie Hall with MidAmerica Productions conducted by Clement Cano, New York, NY
June 29 & July 1: Vienna Choral Society with KI Concerts conducted by Mike Horanski, Vienna, Austria
July 31: Blue Lake Fine Arts Camp conducted by Steven Hankle, Twin Lake, MI
☀️ denotes a premiere performance in a new US state or country
Commissioning Consortium Members
Arlington Master Chorale conducted by Randy Jordan, Arlington, TX
Festival Singers of Florida conducted by Dr. Kevin Fenton, Lakeland, FL
University of Portland conducted by Dr. David De Lyser, Portland, OR
Des Moines Choral Society conducted by Dr. James Rodde, Des Moines, IA
newVoices Choir conducted by Dr. Phillip Swan, Appleton, WI
Cherry Creek Chorale conducted by Brian Leatherman, Cherry Hills Village, CO
Chorale Midwest conducted by Dr. Bradley Barrett, Cedar Rapids, IA
Two Rivers Chorale conducted by Timothy Sawyer, St. Paul, MN
Master Singers conducted by Dr. Gary Schwartzhoff, Eau Claire, WI